Creating the Right Landscape for Your Home

Your exterior landscaping is an extension of your home. From the outside, your home and landscaping will always be viewed together, but you will also view your landscaping from indoors and move between the two spaces. For this reason, it is important to also have a landscape that flows seamlessly indoors and out and aligns with your home’s aesthetic.

This aspect of landscaping can be one of the more challenging parts, and one of the main benefits of working with an experienced landscape contractor is that they will naturally take this compatibility between your home’s architecture and interior and exterior spaces into account. 

How a Baton Rouge Landscape Contractor Matches a Lanscape to Your Home 

In the same way that your home is a combination of form and function – space that matches your style preferences while also providing a comfortable living area – your landscape will need to honor similar form and function to create that seamless transition between indoors and out.

Some of the factors that a landscape contractor will take into account to make this possible are:

  • Your Home’s Architecture – A modern home will almost always fit best with a modern landscape remodel. A more historic home may look better with a rustic style garden. But landscaping will also go beyond this and either bring out or contrast with the different elements in your architecture. Matching materials in your landscape that are also present in architecture, such as brick or the colors in stone, will create a cohesive look. You can also contrast the landscape with the architecture. For example, rounded beds, shrubs, and free flowing flowers will soften the sharp lines on your home.
  • Extending the Function – The right landscaping can turn your outdoor space into a secondary living area. If your home is set up to entertain, a contractor can open up your backyard for entertainment as well with walkways, patios, seating areas, and eye catching features. If your home is your personal retreat, make your yard idyllic with beautiful greenery and places to relax.
  • Frame Your Landscape – While your landscaping will be a key feature of your curb appeal and home’s value, you will also look at it nearly every day even if you are not going outside. A professional landscape contractor can consider the view lines from your home to create a landscape that functions like art and gives you a fantastic view each day.

Leeson Landscape will take all of these factors into account as we plan, while also understanding your own personal preferences and goals. This way, we can create the perfect customized landscape for your home and your family. Learn more about the Baton Rouge landscaping services we offer at Leeson and how we are able to create the perfect outdoor setting.


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May 31, 2022